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Julie Mullock, Landscape | Nature Photographer

Spending time outdoors in nature can quiet the mind and soothe the soul. There is so much natural beauty around us.  


Browse the online gallery and experience stunning scenes from around the world without leaving the comfort of your home.  Let's go into the wild and explore the beautiful sights of Bolivia, navigate the ring road of Iceland, or enjoy the autumn season in North America. 

Snuggle in as we journey up north to the Arctic to see reindeer and then head over to the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia, Canada to observe wildlife in their natural habitat.

We hope you enjoy the collection of images and consider having a calming scene of nature in your home!  All images are available for purchase. 


“Landscape photography has been a creative outlet for me as it brings a sense of calm and appreciation for life, when surrounded by nature.  I strive to convey a sense of place and feeling with each image captured.” 

Stairway to Nowhere_Aspect Ratio 16x9_40 x 22.5.jpg

Landscape Collection

Wildlife Collection



Sydney, Australia

+61 408 996 056 | +1 617 275 8251

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